Writer’s Block (Pun Intended):

  1. We are a community of writers for passion and not judges of your writing. We only subject your content to the test of any illegal, abusive, or content that ought not to be published. Certainly, we do not edit your content to fit our framework. If the content passes our filter, we publish it as it is. 
  2. Simply write. No bars to hold you. Write anything. Write on any subject. Write in any manner and we got space for all you want to say. It is your column and you are the person to say what to publish and what not to publish. Penchanting will only decide on what tags and categories to use. However, Penchanting reserves the right to edit your articles in any manner. We only reserve such a right to prevent illegal content. 
  3. You can write with pseudonyms to preserve your identity. However you will have to mail us with your original identity and your pseudonym. Your original identity will be kept strictly confidential.
  4. Mail your article to penchantingg@gmail.com and we will get in touch with you.
  5. Penchanting reserves all rights regarding publishing your article. Mailing an article will not confer any right of publication.