When for the first time I came across this principle as a young college student, I had even made fun that why such simple things are bombastically told as “the Principles”. But then years after and experiences later, I have understood a simple truth that “Simplicity is the ultimate form of Sophistication”. Applying these 5 principles, my work culture has improved to exponential levels. Hence I think I Should share it here.

The 5S Principle is a Japanese Managerial concept of Workplace Organization. It was developed as part of the Toyota Production System. This is a component of Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) and lean manufacturing.

S.No Japanese Term Translation Explanation
1 Seiri Sort

·       Organize all things.

·       Remove unnecessary items from the workplace.

2 Seiton Set in Order

·       Allot a “Place for everything” and see that “Everything has got a Place”.

3 Seiso Shine

·       Clean the workplace.

·       See that the workplace is dust-free and garbage-free.

4 Seiketsu Standardize

·       Standardize the above three practices and see that it becomes a routine.

5 Shitsuke Sustain ·       Employ the above practices permanently and continuously.

·       See that the old and cluttered ways do not come back.