There will be times when you are forced to wait on somebody or something. You will have no choice but to wait. The monotony of waiting can be frustrating also. Be it waiting at a Bus Station for your ride or waiting for your date at a restaurant, there is nothing like waiting that wiles way the time (My personal experience shows my dentist makes me wait more than my girlfriend does…) You will be clueless what to do in that waiting time as most probably you wouldn’t be prepared for waiting. Hence in most cases waiting time invariably becomes wasting time. So here are the tips to maximize the utilization of that time.

1) Read  

Always carry a book with you. Once you immerse yourself in a book, waiting will become fun. Also there is added advantage of avoiding unnecessary conversations in the pretext of reading.

2) Reflect

On your life and goals. We rarely get time to sit silently and contemplate. This time could be used to think about various dimensions of your relationships, goals, and life.

3) Write

You need not write an entire book in that waiting time. But make it a point to write at least a page or two. This can be anything starting from your blog to your goal list to jotting down your ideas into a journal. Writing can open up various avenues for you.

4) Observe

Look around while waiting. It can hold many surprises for you such as a store you were looking for being present just nearby etc. Also seeing new things can really be rejuvenating.

5) Clear the inbox

Nowadays with a lot of promotions and social media activity, your inbox becomes one of the largest dump yards around. This time can be used to clear your junk mails as you need not dedicate an exclusive time for this.

6) Call an old friend

Just scroll through the contact list and call a friend with whom you have lost touch with and say a Hello. However see that you don’t call an old flame on your date and end up an oxy” moron” {pun intended}.

7) Take a stroll

a small walk not only increases the blood circulation in the legs but also relaxes the mind. When was the last time you made a walk without a destination? A purposeless stroll can break the monotony of the routine and can really be invigorating.

8) Silence

A rare commodity nowadays. Sit silently and consciously enjoy the power of silence. The idleness accompanied will only make us realize how restless we are in our buzzing busy bee lifestyle.

9) Offer a prayer

With today’s communication facilities we connect with anyone we think of, except God. In a busy lifestyle we don’t even get time to pray. He is so near yet we are so far from him. Think of him in that waiting time and offer a prayer.

10) Sleep

For a short nap would only energize you. But see that you don’t wake up losing your belongings or missing your train having overslept. A ten minutes power nap would keep you fresh for the next few hours.

Image Courtesy: Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash