“Top-Shelf” is a phrase used to describe something of superior and excellent quality and the word literally also means ‘picked from the Top-Shelf’. According to www.merriam-webster.com and other dictionaries, the Top-shelf in American usage means “of a high and excellent quality”. However be warned that, in British usage, the word refers to magazines containing pornographic material and are displayed above the eye line of children, because they contain photos of naked or scantily-clad people.

The Alchemist- Paolo Coelho

If you have laid hands on this book and have thoroughly immersed in its wonder, it means the universe has conspired for you to read this book. Like some say, there are some books that you get to find and then there some books that find you.  This book is a purely magical and mystical experience. Simply put, it traces the journey of a little boy, Santiago to his treasure. But in it, it contains the story of every single human being ever walked the earth. Every conqueror, adventurer, scientist, artist, and explorer will find the tale of Santiago as his own. I am not going to spoil more on the reading experience. Read my favorite part from “The Alchemist” here. Just make sure, you don’t miss it. Or otherwise, you are missing a connection with Universe itself. No wonder, this is the best seller after the Bible.

The Monk who sold his Ferrari- Robin Sharma

When I came across this book, the title intrigued me to read it. But I was skeptical that it is going to turn out into another Self-Help book. But happily, it did not. The difference between this book and the likes of “You Can Win” is that, while those books tell you; ask you and even plead you to “win”, this book shows you the methodology to “win”.  To quote the author, this book paves way for your “Health, Wealth and Happiness”. This book doesn’t preach but handholds you through a story in the process. I couldn’t stop falling in love with Robin Sharma’s Julian Mantle.

Rich Dad Poor Dad-Robert.T.Kiyosaki

This book changed the way I was seeing and perceiving the world. The book is not just about financial literacy but also it is about the attitude towards life. You can easily correlate with “the Rat Race” described in the book. If given powers, I would include this book in the syllabus across all colleges in India. This book will teach why certain people are rich and why certain people are poor and how the attitude towards money plays a big role in it. The concepts laid down in this book, when implemented, will certainly change the way you look at assets and liabilities.

Feature Image: Photo by Dmitrij Paskevic on Unsplash