1)     Setup the story in a small town background such as Ahmedabad, Varanasi, Madurai, etc, and more particularly the lead characters must emerge from a middle-class background.

2)       You need 3 male protagonists in their early 20s and one of them should mandatorily be the narrator of the story. (Bear in the mind that the narrator gets to have steamy sex with the lead girl in the later part of the story).

3)      The Story should start with a shocking and a serious premise such as somebody attempting suicide, admitted to hospital, jumping from the top floor, etc.,

4)      It is preferable that the narrator has some issues with his dad and very attached to the innocent homemaker mom.

5)      The lead lady should be the daughter/sister (and hopefully not the wife) of the other lead character.

6)      The heroine should be free from the shackles of conservative and orthodox ideas and should be bold enough to booze with the hero, ask for cigarettes after sex and have sex in confined spaces such as a car or shadow space on the terrace.

7)      On the contrary, the hero should be timid, innocent, rooted in conservative ideas, and should be clueless about handling the emotions of a girl.

8)      It is imperative that, none of the other lead characters get a female counterpart other than the hero (and absolutely no sex for others).

9)      Pour lots of booze in the story. Let the characters drink Vodka at every first chance and it has to be strictly Vodka only, probably because thats what Chetan likes. Let the trio have booze at their divine hangouts such as the top of the tower or an abandoned bank.

10)  The title of the book should compulsorily have a number in it. Since five, one, three, two,2020 and also half are taken by Chetan and there is a chance that he has already booked four, six, seven, eight, nine, you can consider numbers such as 1.414, 7.3333, etc.,

11)  See that the book ends in a positive note as depression is inversely proportional to Chetan as well as readers. Have confidence that readers will read your book even if you tell the same story ten times.

Image Courtesy: http://www.chetanbhagat.com/