Writing is a beautiful form of expression unique only to human beings. We connect with an unknown reader’s mind with only the ability to arrange the alphabets and words in a particular order. If that’s not magic, then what is? Every writer casts a spell on his reader with his words. Every pen becomes a magic wand and every keyboard becomes the cauldron for a writer to spawn his magic and cast a spell upon his readers.

We believe every person is inherently creative and a lot of them want to become writers when they were young. Writing originates from their will to express themselves and create something new. Most of the young budding writers start with huge aspirations and distant dreams. But then life happens. We see a lot of people once aspired to create something that had to take a diversion and become something else. Their creativity gets mauled by the economics, responsibility, and need for daily bread, etcetera etcetera. They are shackled by the social norms, people’s opinions, and the other distractions. Writing as a career option fizzles out. And slowly the option of writing itself fizzles out. The passion for creation fades out and waits in the depth of their heart to be rekindled. 

Penchanting is an effort to rekindle that very passion for writing in you. Penchanting offers you a platform for your writing. If you have something to express and something to say, simply write at Penchanting.  Your writings are read by our fast-growing community of readers who also write on various subjects.

We are a community of writers for passion and not judges of your writing. We only subject your content to the test of any illegal, abusive, or content that ought not to be published. Certainly, we do not edit your content to fit our framework. If the content passes our filter, we publish it as it is. You can write with pseudonyms to preserve your identity. No bars to hold you. Write anything. Write on any subject. Write in any manner and we got space for all you want to say. It is your column and you are the person to say what to publish and what not to publish. Simply write.